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Interview with John

JM: How long was your sentencing for?
John: ( I'm a trifle uncertain , precise legal language-wise , whether I was exactly " sentenced " , as far as terminology goes , or not...I was arrested on Apr 11th and did not get out until May 3d which comes to slightly more than the 20 days suspended sentence that had been put on me on Jan 23d . Again I was re-arrested on or about May 16th , let out o-o-a the 21st arrested again that day at and by the SC Police Department and brought back to the Sheriff's Department-run SCCJ that day , from which I received a final release o-o-a May 23d .

JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead?
John: At the beginning of my main 3 weeksish , I was in the Hospital wing for observation for the first 23 hours or so both because of the same physical issue that had me at the hospital before being brought to jail and some developmental disability/mental factors ( I am Aspergers' Syndrome-diagnosed , for one thing . ) , with a single cell that I was for about 22-23 hourse but after a day of that I was brought to non-violent/GP . The initial privacy in the Hospital wing was nice , but I would have gone squirrely to have spent my whole time there , so it was better to be in a dorm/barracks situation at General .

Read about getting along with inmates in the Santa Cruz County Jail

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