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Good Behavior

Interview with Hillary, Tye, Eva, Richard and Victor

JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior?
Hillary: No, I wasn't serving a sentence.
Tye: i got ten dasys a month earned time from doc
Eva: no i was sent to the dept of correction where i was released on my mandatory release dat
Richard: nah, not in county, ok yes there is 2 days a month if you're sentenced but that isnt including pretrial detainees, but what exacatly is 2 days a month adding up to.
Victor: no. everything went through a drawn out process. I don't really know anything about a good behavior plan.

JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior?
Hillary: Yes if you are sentenced and sign up to be a trustee. You work in the laundry room 12 hours a day 6 days a week. For being a trustee you can get 11 days off per month.
Tye: 12 days a month best case.
Eva: up to 15 days a month if given a county sentence. otherwise your given pre sentence confinement and that is given for every day spent incarcerated and applied to your over sentence
Richard: 2 days a month is all you can receeive
Victor: I don't really have any idea.

JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior?
Hillary: You have to become a trustee. Once you get booked in you can sign up for trustee. As long as you are sentenced you can be a trustee.
Tye: smoking tattooing fighting talking shit to the co's - yes i witnewssed all of the above actoins as well as the loss of earned time for these infractions
Eva: i have witnessed several altercations fights and even assualts by inmates on officers as well as vice versa. pretty much you just have to do what is asked of you be the correctional officers
Richard: Just follow to the rules to avoid time off, but sometimes the deps try to irritate you so you break the rules so they can write you up or tackle you and slam you with 20 cops. Yes, i witnessed people losing good time, just for write ups
Victor: One of the trustees got demoted from gareweay to regular trustee. don't really know how to avoid time off for good behavior and I don't know about a plan for this.

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