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Interview with Bruce and Elvira

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Bruce: I didn't need any medications but a nurse came by twice a day distributing medications to those that needed them.
Elvira: I personnaly didn't take medications. But for the girls that did no it wasn't.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Bruce: A nurse came by twice a day with a med cart distributing medications to those that needed them.I didn't need any
Elvira: They would come around on schuduled times and call sick call-for everyone that wanted tylenol and sorts and then there was med-call. For the girls who was taking any sort of prescription medience.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Bruce: I have no idea what punishment was for drug abuse. I never saw any drug abuse while I was there.
Elvira: The punishment for abuse of the pills was to go to the hole for x amount of days or hours. Yes there is girls in there that trade their pills for commissary. That is not something that you want to let people know that you have seen.

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