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Interview with Nick and Phillip

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Nick: no unless you really raise a stink the medical staff is useless. they should all be shot. it's sickening the way they treat people there. in fact there is a lawsuit going on right now over a guy who died of throat cancer after months of pleading to go to a hospital because of throat pain. once they finally brought him a year later he was told he had incurable stage three throat cancer and if he had come sooner they could have saved him. that is just one example.
Phillip: yes and no. If you are on medication they will get it for you if you hve refilled it within 30 days of coming into the jail. There are medication , controlled substances they wont give ,

JM: How did you get your medications?
Nick: you have to get an order for medication from a doctor or nurse practitioner and then when the med cart comes you wait in line and get your meds.
Phillip: there is medline 3 times a day at each block you go to a cart brought around by a nurse . You show you id bracelet and get your meds

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Nick: if you are caught with drugs you will be prosecuted. if you fail a urine screen you will spend thirty days in segregation. yes i witnessed it.
Phillip: They send you to solitary I think but its hard to get caught, they do very little testing for drugs

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