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Good Behavior

Interview with Joe, Walter, Wendy, Ella and Annie

JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior?
Joe: yes.
Walter: Yes I did. You get time off if you didn't get into any trouble in jail.
Wendy: Yes, I was sentenced to forty five days, but serve thirty.
Ella: Yes. Minnesota gives 1/3 of your sentence on supervised release. Also known as good time.
Annie: Yes I served out 8 months and did the remainder on parole

JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior?
Joe: a third of your time
Walter: You get 1/3 of the time shaved off.
Wendy: 1/3 of your sentence, I think.
Ella: One third of your sentence.
Annie: 1/3 of your sentence you can do on parole

JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior?
Joe: fighting. making weapons etc.
Walter: You just need to not get into any fights and listen to the gaurds in order to get time off. I did see guys get written up but I don't know if they lost their good time.
Wendy: You just have to follow the rules - be back by the right time, only go where you're supposed to, no drugs or cell phones - if you're sneaking stuff in, you deserve to get caught. No, I just witnessed someone lose their workhouse access.
Ella: Any type of disciplinary action can get your good time taken away. I don't know personally of anyone losing their good time but I was threatened with it in another county jail.
Annie: No fighting or disobeying directives, just mind to yourself and listen to the officers and you won't find yourself in any trouble. The inmates that like to disrespect and talk back to the guards lose good time.

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