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Visitor Policy

Interview with Clayton, Darryl and Kristofer

JM: How often could you receive visitors?
Clayton: we were able to receive visitiors for 30 minutes twice a week
Darryl: I did not receive any visitors while I was away in Newark NJ . Not a fun stay .
Kristofer: twice a week one hour per vist and there was no contact and the visits were monitored

JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you?
Clayton: the checkin was always a long long line and the visitors were searched before entering
Darryl: This does not apply to me . I do know they talked about how bad the search was . If you had warrants they would check you .
Kristofer: yeah my family said it was. There was no contact, but they still had to check in and get searched and they couldn't bring their purses or wphones in with them

JM: What was the visiting environment like?
Clayton: the visiting environment was one big room with little tables for each family
Darryl: I do remember it was in the cafeteria where we ate . It was not very comfortable but you were able to touch you vistors . In other words it was not through the glass . You sat with you people at a table .. You could within reason kiss your girl /guy/kids
Kristofer: it was a long line of bullet proof glass with little dividers between sets of windows, like the urinal dividers. Two seats on their side, one mine. the seats were small circular steel discs, very uncomfortable. The phones and glass were very dirty. there was no privacy and the gards would alwas listen in

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