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Interview with Ryan and Kathryn

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Ryan: yes you did. there was a physchiatrist you could see and he would prescribe them and meds were given out twice a day
Kathryn: No, the nurses came three times a day. If you missed the nurse for any reason, you could not get your meds

JM: How did you get your medications?
Ryan: twice a day a nurse would come up and distribute medications. We would line up and that is how you would get them
Kathryn: Nurses

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Ryan: I never saw anyone get punished for this. However i know you could catch new charges on the inside as well as get sent to the hole.
Kathryn: You were locked in a cell for 23 hours, only aloud out for 1 hour a day. yes, there were three girls busted fro drugs. They were in dicipline for 30 days

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