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Interview with Ricky, Bernard, Cora, Roy, Mario, Kayla and Evan

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Ricky: No. I woke up one morning and couldn't breathe and I wasn't allowed to see medical because I had to put in a H & R and wait for two days to do so.
Bernard: You would have to put a slip in to see medical and it could take up to a week or two before you were even seen, and then they would give you what they felt was necessary.
Cora: I didn't need medications but there was a nurse that came twice a day to administer them to those who did.
Roy: Yes sick call was every morning, and those who needed to take perscribed medications Morning, noon, and night usually got them promptly. Sick call was in the early hours.
Mario: Yes for those that needed medications was passed out nightly.
Kayla: no because they don't have enough time to see everybody in time to get them the medicines they need. they also might have differing opinions about what is necessary because of you ability or inability to pay for it due to incarceration, especially when it comes to psychiatric medications for things like bipolar syndrome.
Evan: Yes, I had access to necessary medications.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Ricky: Request to see nurse and that could take up to two weeks. Once you see the nurse you have to pay $20 regardless if they help you or not.
Bernard: They had pill call, where they would give you the medicine(s) in your dorm. You would line up and tell them your name, then they would give you the medication and you had to take it right there in front of them and then open your mouth to show them you took it.
Cora: The nurse would come very early in the morning and then around 7pm to hand out the necessary meds to those that needed them.
Roy: The correctional officer assigned to the cell block woud open the door for the Nurses on duty to issue medications.
Mario: I do take medications but medications was passed out nightly by a nurse or someone from the medical staff in the jail.
Kayla: it took a very specific process and a lot of waiting. then you had to pray to god that you got an understanding doctor that would give you what you needed. then whatever they were prescribed for you, you were given and monitored taking. they even check in your mouth to make sure that you swallowed it.
Evan: The medications were dispensed twice per day. Once in the morning and once at night. A jail nurse dispensed the meds.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Ricky: You would get time on the fourth floor for discipline. You could get new charges as well. Yes I did.
Bernard: I honestly have no idea as I never did witness it. But I assume it would be a disciplinary action where the inmate would lose their medication privileges.
Cora: I did. Basically if you are kicked out of this minimum security facility you are sent to the main jail down the street which everyone nicknamed The Hotel. I've heard mixed reviews as far as officer treatment (not as much yelling) but they also are less involved so if a fight breaks out they are slower to stop it. That jail does have the bars as doors and isn't as 'free' rules for eating are much stricter.
Roy: Extra time in Jail, meaning new charges and transferred to a higher cell block. Many times, finding the fermented alcohol from tomatoes, apple peals and oranges,and bannanas.
Mario: I do not know the punishment for any abuse of drugs and I did not witness any abuse of drugs durning my stay.
Kayla: you would be written up, sent to solitary confinement, and could even be given new charged. i witnessed a woman being charged with assisted suicide because she was giving her medications to another inmate who made herself extremely sick with them.
Evan: The punishment for abuse of medications was 1 week to 3 weeks in "the hole". I did witness someone get caught cheeking their medication and they received this punishment.

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