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Visitor Policy

Interview with Katrina, Rachel, Graham, Gordon, Marcus, Melissa and Andrea

JM: How often could you receive visitors?
Katrina: three times a week
Rachel: Dont know
Graham: You could have 3 visitors a week and there were only 3 visiting days a week.
Gordon: Twice a week (if someone wanted to visit). i my self did not have any visits.
Marcus: Visitors had to call and schedule before coming I know that. I think there were a few certain days but I'm not totally sure.
Melissa: I don't know that there is a limit.
Andrea: I don't know.

JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you?
Katrina: 2-3times a week in araphoe 1 a week in douglas arahoe was pretty east but douglas they made them wait awhile
Rachel: didnt experience
Graham: I'm not sure honestly. Never been on the other side of the glass. But my mom did say that it was difficult to get in.
Gordon: Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above).
Marcus: I'm not sure and I have no way of finding out since I'm not in contact with who visited me anymore, but the way things were run there I'm sure it was a timely process, I don't know.
Melissa: Yes. They have to be on an approved list that you have to set up, which is dependent upon how quickly the guards actually get you the forms. Then it'll depend on how quickly they file those forms, and if they do it correctly. Then a visitor would have to set up the visit 24 hours in advance. Then they would show up and wait. I did hear the wait was always long, but I didn't have anyone visit.
Andrea: Yes, it was actually impossible. First an inmate has to "Put them on your visitors list" which involves actually getting the attention of a guard and THEN waiting for THEM to feel like getting you the form. THEN you have to hope they actually submit it in a timely manner. IF they do, your visitor has to then set up a visit at least 24 hours in advance, arrive, be processed for over an hour, and it's not even a visit. It's on a video TV monitor. You're just watching them on TV.

JM: What was the visiting environment like?
Katrina: araphoe was through a video screen and douglas was behind glass with a phone
Rachel: Didnt experience
Graham: There was no privacy other than a phone you talked on. All visits were over a tv screen that most of the time you could not see anything. The sound was terrible sometimes and you had to sit on a hard bench. Visits were only 30 mins long and it sucked.
Gordon: Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above). Do not know (see above).
Marcus: For this stay it was torturous because I was spoiled with the stay I had previously between a glass window. This stay you had a television to look at or a camera to look onto.. whatever you and the person visiting could try to figure out but it was very confusing trying to figure out how to try and make eye contact. We were on complete opposite sides of the jail, and there was a sense of distance on top of the actual distance.
Melissa: It is on a monitor. You don't get to actually SEE them, they are on a TV screen, and so are you.
Andrea: It's on a video TV monitor. You're just watching them on TV. You don't even really get to see them.

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