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Interview with Kelly, Bill, Katrina, Billy and Cory

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Kelly: Meds were brought twice a day. I received everything I needed as well as contact solution for my eyes. I had a terrible fall as I slipped on the wet floor cleaning one day. I was taken to a holding cell and left there for hours alone. I fractured my back and could not climb up the stairs but was not allowed to move downstairs so had to sit and climb stairs. My back was hurt and I got no treatment except for the immediate treatment. I was seriously hurt. They did bring me pain meds in the evening. Doctors, Dentist and counselors were available although I had made an appointment to speak with the counselor, waited for hours and then he left and I never was able to meet with him.
Bill: It would have taken days, but yes it was available.
Katrina: No if you put in for sick call it usually takes 3 days before you even see the nurse
Billy: You never have access to medication unleast medical know
Cory: No, you have to wait until the nurse came around.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Kelly: The nurse with medications came around noon and then in the evening. She would walk thru the halls and pass out drugs in a very efficient manner.
Katrina: I didn't take any medications at all but they do a pill call twice a day in the morning and before dinner
Billy: You got your medications by submittting a forms to go to medical to see whats you problem then they will go by your illness.
Cory: The nurse would come 2 times a day. you would have to go to fill out a sheet for sick call first.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Kelly: There was no abuse of drugs so I do not know the punishment but we were regularly watched and I am sure if anyone was abusing drugs they would be punished.
Katrina: If you got caught with other people drugs they would place outside charges on you and they rebook you back in
Billy: The types of punishment for abuse drugs was not so. They give you the medication and they watch you take it. No i never witness drug abuse
Cory: If you was caught abusing your drugs, you were lockdown. I witness a guy holding his med under his tongue so he could sell it for commissary and he was caught and taken to the hole.

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