JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Kelsey: When I was arrested I was in the Imperial County
Jail for approxiamately 30 days. I went to
court every morning at 5:30. When I was before
a judge he would appoint me a public defender,
and immediatiately the public defender would
would say "conflict of Interest". So the judge
would give me another court date for the
following day in which I would then be appointed
with another public defender. Like I said this
went on for a whole thirty days, until finally I
requested that my bail be lowered. I had
requested twice prior to this but the judge
would always deny the request. Finally they
lowered my bail to 35,000.00. My family was at
that point able to bail me out, and did so one
day before Christmas. When I went to court on
my following court date (while out on bail) my
new public defender said that my best bet would
be to plea no contest to use of a card without
authorization. And if I agreed to do so the
judge and district attorney would grant me six
months in a drug rehabilitation program and only
3 years probation. According to him this was a
good deal because with all the charges I had,
even though it was my first offense, I was
looking at up to three years in prison. I
agreed and was supposed to turn myself in the
following month to the 6 month live in
rehabilitation program.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Kelsey: I had a number of sherriffs investigators and
police come to my house, call me, even pull me
over in unmarked cars, on numerous occasions. I
even went to the police station on one occasion
and signed a statement and viewed all of the
evidence that they had against me. However I
was not alone in my crimes and they desperetely
wanted to charge both of us with the crimes we
committed. So even though I was stopped
numerous times prior to my arrest they did not
take me into custody until about a month after I
had went to the police station and signed the
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Kelsey: Court really was horrible while in custody.
They wake you up super early in the morning.
They shackle you and take you to a very small
holding cell that doesnt even have a toilet or
anywhere to sit or anything. In the corners
there is piss and sometimes even feces on the
floor. Many people who are incarcerated are sick
(heroin withdrawls) and cannot control
themselves. Anyway, we are kept in the small
holding cell from about 5 in the morning untill
about 9 when court begins. At this time they
transport you to another holding cell much
closer to the courtroom. You can hear
everything going on in the courtroom. We are to
sit there all day without any of our belongings,
no food, or anything. When one of us has to use
the restroom we must kick the door very loudly
until finally a guard comes. You must then say
you need to use the restroom. Sometimes they
tell us to wait, sometimes they will take one of
your cuffs off so that you can get out out your
jumpsuit and use the restroom. There is never
any toilet paper. and you cannot bring anything
with you, no toilet paper, no book, no nothing.
After the guard loosens your cuff, he/she leaves
for about ten minutes and then quickly returns
to put your cuffs back on. You sit in the
holding cell usually well into the afternoon
because all in custody cases are seen last.
Even if you do get called in early you are
returned to the holding cell to wait for all
others to see the judge before anyone is allowed
back to their cell. When going into the
courtroom you feel like crap, cause you look
like crap and you also look quilty as all hell
in a dang jumpsuit and shackles. It can be a
very emotional thing especially if you see one
of your relatives sitting in the courtroom.
They usually cry out in despair just from seeing
you in that kind of situation. And you want to
speak to them so badly, but yet you are not
allowed to or they will get arrested also. It
doesnt matter what you have to say when you are
before the judge, cause no one listens. Rarely
do you have any time to speak with your public
defender before your case is actually called.
Usually you meet them the moment you are
standing in front of the judge. They mostly ask
you "do you agree to waive your rights or do you
agree to waive time?" You have no choice but to
say yes. And then you are rushed off back to
the little tiny room by the courtroom. And
there you sit for the rest of the day. Thats
how it goes at jail court, if you have court at
the main courthouse, its exciting cause you get
to go for a ride in a van. But the rest of the
process is the same.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Kelsey: My original charges were residential burglury,
commercial burglury, theft exceeding 400.00 (15
counts of that), forgery, identity theft, fraud,
unauthorized use of credit card, possesion of
controlled substance, possesion of paraphenalia,
recieving stolen property, possesion of stolen
property,. I was officially convicted and
pleaded no contest to unauthorized use of an
access card.