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Sedgwick County Jail
141 West Elm Roderick: My sentence was for 9 months probation with an underlying 1 year sentence on my felony charge and 6 months probation with a one year underlying sentence on my misdemeanor charge which ran concurrent with the felony. When cases are ran concurrent instead of consecutive then you serve both sentences at the same time instead of having to complete one sentence and then begin the other. Liza: 1 Year JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Roderick: Yes I spent alot of time in the holding cell. I violated probation 4 times before my underlying sentence was executed and was booked into jail each time for probation revocation hearings. The holding cell in Sedgwick County is ALWAYS icy cold as this helps the spreading of germs and it also keeps the inmates from moving around too much. It constantly smells of unwashed bodies and vomit and the guards ignore you when you try to get their attention. You are placed in a cell with anywhere from 5 to 25 other inmates and only 2 concrete slabs, one toilet and one sink. It takes forever to process you and it took 9 days to get me into a pod on this case. Liza: Yes, miserable. It is freezing cold an at anytime there were 30+ people in a 10 person holding cell. There were people that were sick. I got in on a friday, they lost my paperwork I watched 30 women go upstairs to a bed while I was in a holding cell for 48 hours without a bath, a blanket, a pillow. If you or someone you know is headed to Sedgewick County Jail, you might be wondering what to expect. Going to jail can be stressful, especially if you have never served time before. While we can't promise your experience will be worry free, having the right information can help you know what to anticipate. We have interviewed former inmates of Sedgewick County, and have made those interviews available for you to read. You can access these by clicking the links to the left. Take a few minutes to review their stories, so you can learn what life is really like in Sedgewick County Jail. Holding Cell When inmates are first booked into Sedgewick County, they are put in holding cell. Former inmates report that the holding cell is very cold and uncomfortable. There are two concrete slabs, a toilet and a sink in each of these areas. There can be from 2-30 inmates in the holding cell at one time, and the officers don't seem to act very concerned about the comfort of inmates during this time. You can expect to stay for several days in the holding cell as you are processed into the jail. Although the holding cell experience sounds very unappealing, the good news is that moving to your cell in the main part of the jail will probably feel very good after you have had this experience. Meals Sedgewick County provides inmates with three meals per day. Inmates who are diabetic or pregnant receive three snacks in addition to the meals. The food is rated very poorly. Tuna casserole ranks as one of the least appetizing dishes, and the peach and apple cobblers are inmate favorites. Another inmate favorite is served on the fifth Sunday of every month: burritos with beans and rice. Inmates who are trustees receive a sack lunch at night which contains 2 sandwiches, a bag of chips, a cookie and milk every night in addition to meals. There are strict rules that prohibit trustees from sharing this food with other inmates. It sounds like it pays to do it what it takes to become a trustee. Continue to the interview |