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Interview with Neil

JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process:
Neil: I was arrested because I had a warrant for outstaning fines.I was driving a car when I got arrested. I don't know why I was pulled over.

JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested.
Neil: See above.

JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall.
Neil: We always had video court and talked to the judge through a video camera. I never actually went into a court room.

JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of?
Neil: Original charges were 2nd degree bulglary, trespassing, criminal mischief and domestic violence. I plead guilty to all but trespassing, which was dropped

Read about sentencing in the Kenton County Jail

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