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Summit County Jail
205 E Crosier St Jen: mine was for 1 year flat but with good time and a good lawyer 6 months in I got out in 7 months Karen: I was in Summit county jail and then sentenced to Drug Court Program Will: I got 3 years probation- I was in summit County jail for 6 months awaiting trial. JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Jen: I spent 12 hours in a holding cell wih 15 other women. they crowded all of together girls that hadnt been even booked with those of us who were senteced, they didnt care that there was no room even to sit, when night came they gave a mats tht were nose to nose with each other to move you had to step on the others girls mats to even use he bathroom Karen: Yes I was in a holding cell. It was extremely cold and they only give you the jumpsuit to wear. It fits loosely so without an undershirt, I was freezing. Cinder block housing with a metal sink/toilet. The smell was bad. Will: No I was taken back to my pod and once thy confirmed that I received probation they finally let me out of lockdown. After 6 months I was finally able to walk around the pod even though it was only for a couple hours prior to my release. When I first arrived in jail, I was placed alone in a holding cell with no mat or blanket, freezing on the concrete floors from 5pm-5am. That was almost as bad as being handcuffed to a bed for 40 days, 24hrs a day. If you are planning to spend some time in the Summit County Jail, you may be wondering what to expect when you get there. The following information is based on interviews of former inmates of Summit County Jail. The links to the left of this article lead directly to the interviews themselves, and can help you learn what life inside Summit County is really like. Holding When you arrive at the jail, you can expect to be put in a holding cell for several hours. Former inmates report that this is the worse part of the jail. The holding cells sometimes smell like urine. They are also very crowded, sometimes not even allowing space for everyone to sit down. If you are in holding overnight, you will receive a mat to sleep on. Because there are so many inmates in holding, these mats often cover the entire floor, so be careful not to step on anyone if you have to get up to use the toilet. Inmates have expressed feeling like the guards take their time getting inmates out of holding. The good news is the rest of the jail will probably seem much nicer after being in such a cramped, uncomfortable environment. Visits Inmates are allowed visitors once a week. The inmate has to fill out a form (AKA kite) and submit it three days in advance, requesting approval for someone to visit. If you don't get people approved you won't have anybody visiting you. Visits are held in a small cubicle, with glass separating the inmate from the visitor. Food The food in this jail is described as being very bad. Portions are small and the food itself is not very appealing. If you can have someone put money on your books, you can buy snacks off commissary to help you get through your stay. Continue to the interview |