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Allegheny County Jail
950 2nd Ave Brian: I was sentenced to 3 years Probation on the Theft by Deception and 2 years Probation for Animal Cruelty. At my sentencing I was arrested in January 2005 and then I was sentenced to House Arrest in March 2006. I was sentenced to 9 months of house arrest. Marty: Was not sentenced, but still spent 15 days in ACJ Linda: i got a bail Mary: 6 to 23 months confinement and 2 years probation Myron: Complete a program at program's terms not mine, 2 years probation, some time served. 16 weeks of domestic abuse classes. JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Brian: I was in a holding cell below the Court House with other inmates. There was people in there who were talking about their cases etc and who were upset about their cases etc and had paper work on them . They were frustrated and upset and stressed out not knowing what was going on. There was people in there swearing and sitting on the benches and laying on the floor. Marty: Directly after you see the video judge, depending on if you have a bond or not, (if not) you are released shortly (about 1-3 hours after video arraignment. (if you do) you proceed to inmate processing where there are phones, vending machines, a TV and surprisingly somewhat comfy chairs (for a jail at least!) the cells consist of: 1 window, a metal sink/toilet and metal benches. You spend about 2/3 of your day out of the holding cell. (I was in IP1) The other 1/3 you WILL be spending in your cell. (mainly for shift change, but obviously at nighttime they lock you in.) Linda: was took 24 plus hours before they sent you upstairs to a pod were you have a bed and was freezing cold so many people in there only good thing is they have vending machines so if you have money you can get pop chips etc..better have right change though the co's won't help you Charlie: holding cell's are modern and kept clean considering what comes thru there, ample seating if other detainee's would be considerate of others. ample hvac. Mary: after I was sentence they took me to the bullpen and I had to wait to be brought back to the acj. After that I had to start my sentence Myron: Few hours at court in an old jail holding pen before & after the hearing, intake in jail when I first got arrested another story. A. Insanitary bull pen with 40 guys in it and enough bench room for 10! One rusted toilet. Overcrowded and inhuman to say the least. About 1 in every 140 people in the States has spent time in jail or prison. Many people know of at least one person who has gone through the same experience, and while it can be disconcerting, there is plenty of information available to help future inmates and their loved ones know exactly what to expect. As a result, this site contains information gleaned from interviews with former inmates who have spent time in Pennsylvania's Allegheny County Jail. We have contacted several recently released inmates with experience within the facilities walls. From living arrangements, to food, to good behavior and visitation policies; here you will find the info you need, hopefully shedding some light on the experiences one will encounter in jail. Continue to the interview |