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Aiken County Jail
435 Wire Road Todd: I was sentenced to 10 years suspended jail time with 5 years probation. JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Todd: Yes. It was cold. They didn't give us anything, just throw you in there. I was in there about a day. If you or somebody you know is heading to the Aiken County Jail you probably want to know what to expect. The links on the left lead to interviews from ex-inmates of the Aiken County Jail who share information about what life inside the jail is really like. Time off for good behavior One way that jails deal with overcrowding issues is by releasing inmates early who don't cause problems for the deputies. The maximum amount of time available for good behavior in this jail is 15 days per month. So basically if you get good time off, it is possible that you will serve only half of your sentenced time. Food in the Aiken County Jail The biggest complaint about the food in this jail is that the portions are too small. Inmates refer to the meals as the "slim fast diet" because a lot of people lose weight while they are here due to small portions. Visiting environment Visits in this jail take place on weekends. The inmate has to make a request in writing with who they want to visit them, including the names, phone numbers and ages of each person. The list of approved visitors is given back to the inmate, who must then let the visitor know they are on the approved list to come visit. Convicted felons may have a difficult time getting approved to visit an inmate. Visits take place in a small area where you sit on a stool at a steel table, with a glass wall between inmate and visitor. There are little holes in the glass that you talk through. Recreational Activities There are things available to help you pass your time in ACJ. You can order playing cards off canteen if you have money on your books. Your family and friends can send books to you but they have to be shipped directly from a bookstore. The books have to meet certain criteria to be allowed. They cannot include profanity, anything sexual or be gang related. TV is available, but choosing a channel is usually a decision made by the group. Inmates report that as long as the weather is good, inmates get to go outside on most days. This is a good thing! There are many jails that don't let their inmates outside at all, or very rarely. Continue to the interview |