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Dorchester County Jail
100 County Road S-18-96 Karina: I was ordered to serve 90 days in jail and pay a $2400 fine. Taylor: I stayed in jail for 48 days. JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Karina: No, I was sat out front in the office all day until that night. They don't normally do that with inmates because people kept asking me why I was out there. Finally when the night shift supervisor came in I was taken to my room. Taylor: Yes I did, until they transported me back to jail. The holding cell was like a 4ft by 8ft cell with a bed and a sink and toilet connected together. If you or somebody you know is heading to the Dorchester County Jail you probably want to know what to expect. The links on the left lead to interviews from ex-inmates of the Dorchester County Jail who share information about what life inside the jail is really like. General Information The main site for Dorchester County Jail is located in St. George, South Carolina. Dorchester County also has an annex location in Summerville, SC. For inmates who will be staying in jail longer than a few days, they are usually booked at the Summerville location and transferred after a few days to the St. George location. Time Off for Good Behavior To deal with the growing problem of overcrowding, many jails offer time off your sentence if you exhibit good behavior during your incarceration. Dorchester County Jail offers good time to its inmates. The maximum time you can receive off your sentence is 10 days for every 30 that you serve. To receive this good time, you need to avoid confrontation, do what you are told by staff and generally follow the rules. Phone Calls Inmates have frequent access to payphones while incarcerated in Dorchester County Jail. Phone calls can be made collect. They can also be paid through a PayPal account that must be set up by someone who is not incarcerated. The minimum amount of money that you can prepay onto the PayPal account is $25 plus a $3 processing fee. Using the PayPal account, a 10 minute phone call costs $7. Visitation Dorchester County Jail offers liberal visitation in comparison to many other jails. Inmates can have visitors every other day, with the days depending on the inmate's last name. Last names starting with A-L had visitors on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and M-Z had the alternating days. It is important to know that when you are first processed into the jail, you will be asked to make a list of anyone that you might want to come visit you. Ex-inmates recommend putting everyone you can think of on this list. You can always take people off but you can't later add somebody that you forgot or changed your mind about. If a person's name is not on your list, they will not be allowed to visit you. Clergy are the only people who can visit without being on your list. Continue to the interview |