JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Anne: Well, initially, basically I was picked up, it
for driving on a suspended license, so when they
took me in, when I was put into the county jail,
from actually getting to the court, it took about
8 hours. Most of the time, I was put into
different cells where they periodically call your
name and transfer you to a different cell. Any
person with an offense, whether it's a minor
offense or a major offense, they get put into the
general holding room. It took about eight hours,
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Anne: No, I was basically pulled over for having a
light out, and then obviously when they checked
driver's license, they realized that my license
was suspended from a previous DUI charge, plus I
think I had an outstanding speeding ticket I had
not paid, so at that point, they arrested me and
took me to jail.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Anne: It was alright, very very long! that took about 7
or 8 hours because I was put into several
different holding rooms. The court and ever
holding cells were really overcrowded. I thought
that my sentencing, now that I have had time to
think about it rationally, was the right thing.
made a mistake and they made me pay for it, which
is the way most people should do. My attorney
decent, listened to what I had to say and was
good at negotiating my situation with the courts.
I was explained thoroughly my past and now
present charges, what they meant and what I would
have to do as far as a conviction was