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Fort Bend County Jail
1410 Ransom Rd Bert: Eight day until they came to take me over to Montgomery. Wasn't much of a sentence as it was just waiting around. JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Bert: No everything took place right there at the county jail. Court was right there. Life On The Inside The Fort Bend County jail started its life as a 232 bed facility. In 1994, the center was expanded to accommodate up to 776 inmates. However, the average daily population stands at around 842 inmates. Obviously overcrowding is an issue here. Believe it or not a former inmate described the experience at Fort Bend County as "pleasant." That will probably be the best review you'll ever hear about a county jail! The jail layout consists of a combination of dorm plus single cell environments. For inmates assigned to the dorm setting they have much more freedom to move around. They are also allowed to enroll in many programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous, GED and classes in living skills. In between those programs inmates have access to books, checkers, chess and a television. They are also given outdoor privileges at least once a week. Even though the inmate interviewed for this site said he had a pleasant experience at Fort Bend County jail that didn't mean everything was pleasant. Take for instance what he had to say about the food: "The worst was they had this two tone steak deal that looked like it was boiled; they called it turkey patty. That thing smell awful." Fortunately he and the other inmates were able to take advantage of the commissary to buy snacks, tuna fish and other items. Good Behavior Policy The good behavior policy in Texas depends on how the warden feels you are behaving as a prisoner. An inmate can receive a maximum of 15 days per month off their sentence if they complete work assignments such as farming, industrial shop, or grounds keeping. They can also get the same credit for completing an education program or some form of treatment for substance abuse. Even the most model of prisoners could have all that good time taken away just one incident of fighting for talking back to a guard. Visitor and Phone Policy Except for meal times, visitation hours for inmates are between 8 AM and 6:30 PM every day. Each visiting session last approximately 30 minutes. An inmate can have two visits per week. Anyone visiting an inmate needs to provide a state license or photo ID. You cannot take a cell phone or camera into the visiting area. Also prohibited are food, drinks, gum and inappropriate clothing. Inmates are given phone access during the day. There is a $2.35 connection charge for each phone call. Collect charges apply after that. Continue to the interview |