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Interview with Jerry and Pat

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Jerry: only if you where prescribed for it
Pat: no-they were always locked up

JM: How did you get your medications?
Jerry: the nurse would come every day after lunch and everyone who was prescribed with medication would get in line and the rest of the inmates would have to be in their beds
Pat: i had too go too the nurse and it depends whats wrong with you. they do a major med screening too see if you are really sick

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Jerry: people where crushing pills and sniffing them or trading them for things such as hooch which was alcohol made with jolly ranchers n oranges or a bag of pears
Pat: whole- yes i seen people go the whole no phone visitations or visitors for month their were times you would lose your meal privledge and when your in the cold whole with no windows and they feed you slop

Read about inmate clothing in the Maricopa Durango Jail

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