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Interview with Jerry and Pat

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Jerry: Yes. The nurse comes around three times a day with various med for purchase or prescribed.
Pat: Yes they do med call twice a day morning and night and if you needed it in between they made sure you got what you needed.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Jerry: The nurse gives you the pills and makes you swallow and then checks your mouth to check. You must bring your own cup with water as none will be provided.
Pat: The Officers would escort the nurse around the jail to distribute medications to each tank and if it was a special need we would be sent to the nurses station to take our meds.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Jerry: The only time people get busted for drugs is if they do a random sweep or someone tells on you. Most times you get a serious write up but if its smuggled drugs you might get a DA referral resulting in a new charge. I've seen dogs come in and sniff the housing areas but never a bust at this jail that I know of.
Pat: If they suspected illegal use of drugs they would do shakedowns and and comme in with about 15 officers line us up against the wall and search everything for anything illegal or test inmates to see if they were under the influence.

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