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Interview with Karl and Willie

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Karl: Yes. I needed an asthma inhaler and Valium to help me sleep but it took them three months to get me the Valium.
Willie: No, thery were very bad about this too. You had to fight to get what you needed

JM: How did you get your medications?
Karl: They had pill call twice a day after break and after dinner.
Willie: you had to make a very big deal and ask the right cos and always be on your game about this. they were lazy and cheap about things you needed.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Karl: If you got caught with drugs they would take you away for 30 days in segregation. You're basically in a cell by yourself all day but they let you out for one hour to take a shower.
Willie: One time an inmate smuggled in pills when i was pretrial. Everyone knew they were coming because word got out. people swarmed him asking him, and the cos caught on that he had some. They rushed him, grabbed him by the throat in the bathroom (no cameras) and tried to make him spit them out (He swallowed all of his drugs to not get caught) I heard they put him in the hole, shut his water off and waited for him to shit out the drugs to charge him with them (but i think they just took him to the hospital because he could die)

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