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Interview with Jorge, Jeannette and Larry

JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)?
Jorge: Orange jumpsuits. They also issued socks and underwear and a pair of shower shoes... rubber sandals.
Jeannette: nothing right before i got there they found out someone was sneaking in drugs in the padding of the bras
Larry: None they confiscate all of your clothes except your shoes they give you an orange jumpsuit.

JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you.
Jorge: See above.
Jeannette: orange jumpsuit that buttoned from croch all the wasy up. said Gensse county jail on back.
Larry: You were issued a orange jump suit, a pair of socks, one pair of boxers/underwear and if you would like you can buy a t shirt and basketball shorts from commissary.

JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned?
Jorge: A good pair of socks. Not all of them are very well cared for. If you got a nice pair you had to give them back when it was time to do laundry and you never knew what kind you were going to get in exchange. If you tried to keep the nice ones and wash them yourself you could get in trouble.
Jeannette: no, everyone has same cothes so yep joy atchy matchy
Larry: Not really just sometimes you could get lucky and get clothes that haven't been worn very much.

JM: Was the clothing different between men and women?
Jorge: I don't know.
Jeannette: nope othe only ones different were the trustees and thiers were white
Larry: I don't know I was on the men's floor.

Advice from ex-inmates of the Genesee County Jail

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