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Visitor Policy

Interview with Karl and Wilford

JM: How often could you receive visitors?
Karl: You were permitted to receive visitors each day Tuesday through Saturday from about 8:30 am until 2:15 p.m
Wilford: 2 hours of visiting a week. each visit is one hour. so twice a week

JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you?
Karl: I was only visited one time by a friend, and he made no particular complaints. I have heard of visits being terminated early for inmates whose families lived some distance away, but have no specific names or dates.
Wilford: i dont believe so because the visitors would have to call in the day before and make sign up over the phone for a visiting time. then the guard would bring me a sheet to either accept or deny the visit.

JM: What was the visiting environment like?
Karl: Generally, it was quiet and organized. Much like a hospital cafeteria-type atmosphere.
Wilford: the visiting environment was not bad. we sat at a regular square table next to or across from each other. the guards were not that bad. a hug and kiss in the beginning and at the end of the visit was allowed. it was in a big open room with a bunch of tables arranged.

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