JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Patrick: You were given an opportunity to attend G.E.D
classes where I myself was a tutor. Other than
that you have the option of church. Due to over
crowding and under staffing the opportunities for
anything for " passing the time " was purely
creative. The way you passed the time was really
up to your creativity.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Patrick: The only entertainment besides the occasional
fight or disruptive inmate was a crappy television
in an extremely small Television room. Competition
was fierce as far as getting a seat in the room
was concerned. Some peolpe played cards and
gambled on most anything, or either read alot of
books. I myself elected to read.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Patrick: You do have an opportunity to stay in shape. You
could do aerobic type exercises and they would
fill large garbage bags with water and use them as
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Patrick: Going outside was few and far between. If you were
by chance allowed to go outside you had the option
of playing basket ball, basking in the sun or just
walking around in circles kind of like an animal
you might see at the Zoo.
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Patrick: You were allowed to attend church services if you
liked. You could attend 3 times a week. I did not
go to that very often.