JM: How many meals did you get per day? Henry: Inmates received three meals per day. breakfast,
bag lunch, and dinner. Bob: We received three meals per day. Cory: I got 3 meals a day.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Henry: The food on a scale of 1 to 10 was about a 4. It
was very bland and light in proportion.
Considering we were charged for "room and
board", $15.00 plus, per week, it was quite a
disappointment that our funds weren't being used
in a satiable manner. Bob: I think the food was pretty awful and definitely
not enough. Cory: On a scale of 1-10 I would rate it a 1! It isnt real
food; its doesnt taste like normal meat or rice or
beans. the only thing that tasted similar to the
outside world was peanut butter and jelly and that
wasnt great either. The milk and juice was watery
and disgusting.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Henry: It wasnt uncommon for anyone to consider
breakfast to be the favored meal. The long wait
since the previous nights dinner (served at 5pm)
would be over at breakfast and was often the
most generous and filling meal. Bob: It was all pretty equally awful. I guess my
favorite would have to be the chicken patties. Cory: My least favorite was anything they called meat,
becuase it was always mushy and bland. My favorite
was the pb&j and random fruit (apples) we got.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Henry: There were no snacks offered to inmates outside
of the three issued meals. However a canteen
order could be placed, and depending on the
amount of funs in your account, you could
usually by items for the week that would hold
you over til the next meal. Canteen prices were
ridiculously high and were ofter double to
quadruple the price of that same item in a
normal store. The St. Lucie County Sheriffs
Office should be ashamed for the way they allow
prices to get out of hand. Im sure if a regular
business in general society kept such prices,
they would have been dealt with by the law
accordingly. Bob: The only other way to eat (besides regular
meals), was to have money in your inmate account
and to order commissary. Be advised that if you
have money in your inmate account that the jail
will take $20 per week out to pay for your
sustinance. Cory: They commisary was stuff liek cups of noodles and
doritos and chips and stuff like cookies. I didnt
get commisary but bargained trades with others for
theres. I do not know how much it cost but your
visitors could put money in for you to get it.