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Interview with Joey

JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)?
Joey: Nothing out side of what's on comisary and the jump suit they provided they want u to buy from them they want to make as much money as posibale

JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you.
Joey: You got an orange jumpsuit that but tend from the top through the middle unless u were on work detail then u got a green one for outside work and a white jumpsuit for kitchen detail

JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned?
Joey: Yes shortes boxers and t shirts they are always in demand no image wants to were that jumpsuit all the time it uncomfortable and they only wash it 2 times a week so if u sweat ull stink

JM: Was the clothing different between men and women?
Joey: Yes the demon are giving tan jumpsuits in place of the orange ones the men have to wear

Advice from ex-inmates of the Berrien County Jail

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