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Interview with Allie

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Allie: I didn't need medications but their medical care is horrible. If I needed something medical-wise in there I probably wouldn't even tell them. When my boyfriend was there, they made him sleep on the floor with a colostomy bag, and they refused to give him a change for his colostomy bag. They don't have the capability of handling those kinds of needs.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Allie: dThe medical service is outsourced. They are not state employees through the jail. They just don't care. They take their time doing anything about it. They had a lady in there whose blood pressure was very high, and they gave her aspirin and didn't come back to check it until the next day. She could have had a stroke. They have had several people die in this jail because of neglected medical needs.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Allie: I don't know. I assume they would charge them again.

Read about inmate clothing in the Richmond County Jail

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