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Visitor Policy

Interview with Kyle and Lisa

JM: How often could you receive visitors?
Kyle: You could receive visitors everyday but they had to call and schedule a visit and go through a bunch of paper work to even allow it.
Lisa: Twice a week I think

JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you?
Kyle: Not that I was aware of. I know that I had to fill out paperwork in order to allow anyone to come and see me.
Lisa: No

JM: What was the visiting environment like?
Kyle: I don't know I was not in there long enough to start the process. Plus they never gave me my paperwork to start the process because I was still in "holding". You cannot have visitors when you are still in a holding cell situtation. You have to have been there I assume for more than two weeks or something like that.
Lisa: Over a webcam

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