Interview with Shawanda Miller, Jeremy, Chuck, Charles and Josh
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Shawanda Miller: Yes. During non lockdown times. You couldn't
use the phone after breakfast until the cleaning
was done. Lockdown used to be 1 hour before
lunch, 1 hour before supper. Then they'd shut
the phones off at 10:00 pm. Jeremy: Ya, we had a phone in the pod. During booking
they give you a $5 free phone card that you can
use when in the pod and get dayroom. Chuck: Yeah we did. There were 2 phones on the unit,
pretty much turned on for the whole day. Charles: yes. VERY EXPENSIVE AND REDICULOUS!!!! Josh: The telephones cost about 10$ for a ten minute call and
nobody wants to get that call. When you get in they
give you a calling card with about 5 minutes of calling
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Shawanda Miller: Collect used to be $2.35 for approximately 10
minutes. Jeremy: Dont know Chuck: $1.35 a minute and you only get ten minutes to
talk. Charles: I didn't generally make calls because it was so
expensive but I think the average inmate who's
making calls daily/weekly would have to be
spending somewhere in the range of $30-$60??? Josh: It was an average of $10 for a phone call. Some people
got on the phones for what seemed like every day. The
jail I was in offered skype a video confrencing
application. I got one skype from my brother. Id guess
some inmates spent at least $20 a week on the phone.
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Shawanda Miller: Before all calls where collect. But now I
believe you can buy phone cards in the amount of
$5.00, $10.00, $15.00 & $20.00. The other jails
like Ramsey County, Washington County, you have
to set up an account. Dakota County uses or
used to use Evercom Correctional Billing
Services and you still need to call them to set
up an account and they would let the first $100
or $200 go through I believe. Jeremy: Well, you get the free card when you are booked
in. After that I am pretty sure you have to buy
the cards. When you are released there is a FREE
phone in the lobby where you can call anyone!
Long distance also. Chuck: You could buy phone cards from the canteen. Charles: Yes. At ridiculous rates though. Josh: You get one free calling card when you get to jail. After
that you need to buy calling cards to call out.
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Shawanda Miller: The jail records all phone calls Jeremy: I am sure they did. Chuck: Oh yeah... all the time. Charles: I was told they could and would. Josh: The jail does screen all calls.