JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Kristen: got book Grant: You get brought to the magistrate's office and
they set bail (if any) and place you in holding
until you get a lawyer and pay bail, otherwise
you will eventually get sent to a cell in the
jail. Enrique: i was streesed out because of my previous chjarges i
really thought i was going to prison for a very long
time,but my lawyer worked out a plea aggreement with
the processcutors and the Judge decided to give me
60 days in Durham County jail,short process
,Sherrfiiff took me right away
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Kristen: yes try to pin me selling sex but only caught me
for drugs Grant: No. Enrique: No,i was arrested in a traffic started from
somewhere else,after the situation ii was riding
with a friend and we went through a traffic stop.i
knew the cops where coming t5o get me and they where
to be checking several spots,my moms house and my
girlfreiends house ,so ii tryed to aAQ
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Kristen: long, my lawyer was late so my case got pushed
to the back.I think I wouldn't of gotten
sentence any if my attorny was on time, but he
was cheap so what do you expect right Grant: Crowded, hot, long, and then when you finally get
called before the judge with your lawyer it's
over pretty quick. Usually you have to go before
judge (repeat the process) several times before
you get sentencing or a trial Enrique: Court was real long day,asked did i need an attorney
to represent me ,and made sure i understood the
charges against me ,i was then given another court
date ,and let me know that this is a felony
conviction and i could spend up to 5 years in prison
if convicted
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Enrique: felony Posses of stolen firearm,enedd up plea
bargining to misdeanor posss of fire arm