JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Eric: no i knew a few dudes in there Paul: Yes an everybody was dope sick or bi polar other ppl
wouldnt shut up. Very immature as well keep us up at 3 am
with noise harassment to the guards Cody: No not really I tried my best to
stay to myself. Getting in
trouble wasn't an option for me
I wanted out as quickly as
possible. I knew some people
that were up there so I was
okay but to people who don't
good luck with that because its
hard to stick it out on their own
most people aren't mentally
stable enough.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Eric: just kept to myself watched tv Paul: I avoided everybody I kept to my self. I did npt associate
with anybody I ignored ppl an kept to me. I didn't trade buy
nor sell things of mine... ppl are snitches I can't stand jail.. u
get accused of stuff I did not do. Guards are assholes yeah Cody: I avoided the childish talk and
besides qho i knew for my town
i kept my thoughts and
opinions to myself and staywd
to myself pretty much. Mind my
own business and expect the
same from other inmates. Don't
deal with or feed into drama
because when men have time
to do everything but can only sit
there and think drama gets real
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Eric: no,when i first went in my cellie was there about 4
months Paul: Everybody did it1 time every 2 months. I stuck with who I
hsd I did not wanna know anybody. There all two faces
bastards lies an deception was that place Cody: Once processed it all depended
on who the counciler was so it
depended. It also depended on
the behavior of you and the
person you wanted as your
celly. They don't change the
cells around unless you ask to
be moved due to any type of
personal issue. Good behavior
was always the key.