JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Eric: i myself the gym.but yes there are Paul: Gym an basketball court n tv games an library all outdated
everyone an everything was falling apart old beds old mops
old tables old tvs old desks. No weight room you had
nothing to do there games where old an the books an
computers. I hate that place id die before I go back Cody: The gym helped a lot with
passing time you can play
basketball and work out. Also
the library is a good way to
pass time you can gain
knowledge about a lot of things
by reading the books in the
library. You also have time
outside of your cell where you
can communicate with other
inmates on your block and play
games like cards.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Eric: yes Paul: Ppl always bitched bout the television everybody wanted to
watch sumthing else nobody could agree on sumthing I was
bullshit to the max. Guards had control on the tv an u had to
have a radio to listen to tv.. yea thatz fucked up forreal no
respect for us civilians Cody: There were t.v.s on the block
that we could watch the c.o.'s
controlled them but if all the
inmates agreed on watching
something we were permitted
to. The competition wasn't
fierce it was just hard to agree
with all the inmates at once.
The t.v.'s were nice to have to
watch though it helped pass
time quickly.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Eric: no Paul: No worked out alot. An didn't eat much there too depressed
too. It was stressful in there it sucked royally Cody: The meals they give you are
crap so commissary is your
best bet although you still will
loose weight most likely though
as a man not eating correctly.
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Eric: never styed inside Paul: Shuttle runs push sit ups etc.did not have a weight room or
anything for a work out ppl did get fat in there alot of ppl Cody: We were not permitted to go
outside at all unless you had an
outside job or work release. The
closest we gott to outside was
the open gym which is freezing
in the winter months.
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Eric: chapel Paul: Sunday an wensday I didn't go becuz they are all false
prophets to God. The Bible is the true propet of god Cody: Yes the jail did offer church
services as they should. There
are many different religions
practiced in jail. My church was
on Sunday mornings I'm not
sure if other religions had
church and when.