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Jail Layout

Interview with buddy, Casey and Sam

JM: How many different blocks were there?
buddy: 18
Casey: 17, 18?
Sam: Around 25 as far as I know

JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they?
buddy: Yes, alfa, bravo, charley and so on.
Casey: Alpha, Bravo, Fox, Golf, Hotel, Charley, Medical, Novemeber, Oscar, Mike(the sex offender pod) Delta, quebec, Romeo, Then the girls, Juliet, Kilo & like 2 more.
Sam: I have no idea I didnt pay attention really

JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks?
buddy: It depended on your security level and what type of threat the inmate was.
Casey: Fox-Max Romeo-Minimum Then some fed pods
Sam: All I know is alpha and beta were waiting sentencing them they had a 2 max security blocks a couple for federal inmates and the work center for non violent criminals

JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks?
buddy: Some were dormatory living, which were not nice at all because you got no privacy.
Sam: Guards or people could be either or

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