JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: KG: I was in court for failing to pay a fine for
possession of a controlled substance. The judge
asked me if i could pay the fine right now, I
said no, and he said "bailiff cuff him and take
him away". buddy: There isn't really a pre-sentencing process. Once
you're booked in you have to wait to go to court
which can sometimes take up to two weeks. Casey: Took 6 months of talking to my attorny, going to
court, & also talking to the detectives. I had
no idea how long it would take, or how much time
I was doing, so it sucked! Sam: The presentencing was hell, they didnt understand I
had no money to pay my fines and that I just wanted
to be stuck in jail but they told me i had to pay my
fine no community service or anything just one set
fine and tons of pointless drug classes that were a
waste of my time
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. KG: No buddy: No Casey: Turned myself in Sam: They stopped by my house to arrest me one time,
and the arresting officer was disrespectful as all
hell, I cant remember his name but I know he was a
morgan county constable which made no sense since
my charge was in davis, but when he came to arrest
me he through the contents of my pocket all over
my parents floor with a table 5 feet in front of
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. KG: I was very surprised to be sent to jail. buddy: It was too fast. I wasn't able to talk with my
L.D.A. for more than five minutes and I felt like
I was not heard. Casey: Long, boring, stressful, & also very embarassing Sam: Court went fairly smooth other than my judge, I
always went in dressed nice acted respectful, and I
still got judged and treated like I was some lower
piece of slime, nobody got treated like me I
noticed, and they had a 12 year old girl go through
for fishing without a license which made no sense
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Casey: Theft of a vehiclex2, Burglary & car thefts Sam: I got arrested for drug paraphernalia and thats what
I was convicted for