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Thurston County Jail
2000 Lakeridge Dr SW Charlie: Like i said above i had good behavior in jail and made trustee and it did absolutely no good so where is the motivation for inmates to behave judge bershauer screwed me. Jenny: they are tryn to give me 120 for a crime i didnt do JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Charlie: No, i went back to the trustee tank and awaited transfer to shelton which i believe was about 36-48hrs later Jenny: i have spent 90 days in the whole its better cuz the women are in a nasty dirty dorm tank If you or a loved one is headed to Thurston County Jail, you probably want to know what life is really like on the inside. We have interviewed former inmates of Thurston County to get the inside scoop on how things actually work in this jail. The more information you get, the more prepared you will be to serve your time. You can click on links to the left that will lead to the interview questions and answers, where you can get insight from people who have been where you are headed. Good Time Due to a growing problem of overcrowding, many jails offer time off your sentence if you are well behaved while serving your time. Thurston County will shorten your time by up to one third of your sentence if you stay out of trouble. To get the "good time," you need to follow the rules, be respectful to the officers, and avoid any type of assaultive behaviors on other inmates. Leisure Time One of the most challenging parts of serving time is boredom. Thurston County has playing cards and TV available to inmates. Don't expect to have control over the TV though, because the competition is fierce. Thurston County allows inmates to go outside in the rec yard every day, unless the weather is bad. The jail also offers non-denominational church services that are held in the visitation area. Meals The food in Thurston County is rated very poorly. Occasionally, however, they do provide a snack of popcorn or trail mix to the inmates. If you want to have choices about what you will eat, you want to make sure you have money on your books so you can order food off commissary. Having the ability to purchase snacks has made serving time a little easier on many inmates. Continue to the interview |