offers exclusive interviews with ex-inmates from various
county jails in Washington state. If you or somebody you know is
heading to jail read about what life is really like behind bars.
County jails in Washington
Washington state has quite a few county jails that stay awfully busy.
At the top of this list is
County Jail. Serving a population of 1.9 million people (including
the residents of Seattle) it is no surprise that this is one of the
busiest jails in the United States.
Other popular county jails in the state include Pierce, Snohomish and
Time off for good behavior
Most county jails in Washington offer time off for good behavior. As a
general rule you can expect to have about ten days off each month
meaning that on a one year sentence you will only serve eight months.
If you are looking for a specific jail the time may vary, but this
amount of time off for good behavior is on the high end of what you can
expect in the US.
While this is generally called "time off for good behavior" or "good
time," this is a misnomer. More correctly it should be called "time off
for not behaving badly." You will get your time off by default and
won't lose it unless you are fighting with other inmates, talking back
to CO's or just causing problems.
How to get along with other inmates
If you want to pass your time without incident you need to learn how to
interact with other inmates. The easiest way to do this is to stay out
of their way as much as possible and keep to yourself. If you have a
longer sentence it might become necessary at some point to make friends
but do so carefully and put a lot of thought into who you decide to be
friends with. If you are befriending gang members, for instance, you
might inadvertently make yourself a target to members of a rival gang.
Drugs in jail
Drugs are a big problem in county jails across Washington state. Many
ex-inmates report that drugs were easier to get inside of the jail than
out on the streets at some times. The drugs usually are smuggled in by
inmates though many inmates believe the guards bring them in to
supplement their meager salaries.