JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Elise: shorts and t-shirts Jack: Tuscaloosa County takes all of your clothes away
from you when you come in. You aren't permitted to
keep anything. Justin: Socks & thermals ( top and bottom) boxers and t
shirts all way over priced Sean: well, your supposed to be able to recieve
socks,boxers , and long sleeve thermals
according to the handbook, but they make you
wear what they giveyou....and usually they dont
have much of anything...theyres too many inmates
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Elise: yes, it was white. The pants were draw string pants, unlike the ones
in Florida that are elastic waste. Shirts were the usual pullover that
was like the medical uniforms. Jack: The uniform was blue and white striped. It was two
pieces with a top and bottom part. There were also
brown shower shoes that they gave you. Justin: your are issued 1 top and 1 bottom when u are booked
into the jail. they are all in VERY bad condition
and you never get clothes to fit Sean: when yougo in you are issued one jail issued
shirt and one pair of jail issued
pants...basically, a two peice white jumpsuit .
you will geta pair of reused boxers if they have
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Elise: no Jack: It's best to make sure you get a pair of socks
(its really cold) and a t-shirt also. Justin: no you get what the guards give you. if you are luck
it will fit Sean: socks and white t shirts are in high demand, as
well as sandals...due to the overcrowding and
lack of stuff
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Elise: I don't know. I think they were. Didn't see any men while I was there Jack: No, the uniform was the same for both. Justin: No men and women wear the same thing Sean: no, the white jumpsuit is standard for for misdemeanors