JM: How many meals did you get per day? Elise: 3 Jack: There was breakfast lunch and dinner every day. Justin: 3 HOT MEALS PER DAY Sean: you get three meals a day......mostly consisting
of non nutritional..simple carbohydrates just to
keep your stomach full
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Elise: pretty good. We would get homemade buscuits for breakfast, and
for our eals some days were soup with grilled cheese, fried fish, and
sometimes fried chicken. Jack: The food was not very good at all. First, there
was not enough of it. It seemed like they were
feeding an eight year old child or something with
those portions. Second, the food didn't have any
kind of seasoning on it so it tasted bland. Last,
half the time the bread stuck to the bottom of the
tray above so you might get even less if that happens. Justin: Bad, you might get one decent meal per week. the
rest is awful and usually cold then 3 nights a week
they will sell u a good meal for $6.50 they call it
canteen but all it is is the food that we should be
getting for regular meals that they are selling us Sean: i thoughtthat the diet there was
horrible...notbecause it wasnt enough food...its
justthat its all carbohydrates and
starches...breads of all types and noodles of
all thpes ya know..its so bad that three fourths
of the dorm is constantly suffering from
constipation and stomach first time
in i went 16 days w/o movement before being
medically flushed
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Elise: The homemade buscuits and fried chicken Jack: The favorite food for me was the spaghetti. It was
actually decent tasting and it was also seasoned
pretty well. I was surprised. Justin: Fried chicken on sunday, 1 small drum stick that my
2 year old grand son could eat. Worst is veggie day
1 time per meat! Sean: well, i basically just got sick of getting trays
that had a slot of noodles, a slot with dry
cake, a slot with dry bread....just carbs
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Elise: If you could order commissary Jack: They had plenty of stuff on the commissary and it
was not overly expensive. They had lots of
different types of chips, cookies, etc. The also
had a chuck wagon that came around twice per week
with pizza, hotdogs, fries, wings, etc. Justin: Commissary was 1 time per week, it is very limited
and way over priced, sodas, cookies and chips and
candies. Like i said b4 they offer waht they call
CANTEEN 3 times per week for $6.50 Sean: yes, you can get snacks bought to you from the
commissary if you have money..every time i would
get money it would be taken and i would be told
that i owed the jail for something