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Jail Layout

Interview with Brittany and Jordan

JM: How many different blocks were there?
Brittany: I don't know, because I was only in one pod.
Jordan: I think 18 about 18

JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they?
Brittany: I don't know.
Jordan: Usually most referred to as cell block "A", "B" etc

JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks?
Brittany: I don't know.
Jordan: For different types of crimes and offenses I think....they said rumor was that the sex offenders were house in certain blocks for protection. Also non violent were house differently than violent

JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks?
Brittany: I don't know because I only stayed in one.
Jordan: The nicest tended to be ones with the non violent crime and the worst ones were the dirtiest and most crowded for the gang activity ones and the nicest ones were not as crowded and full and the other ones were more fights in them and more chaos and stuff

Read about telephone access in the San Joaquin County Jail

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