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Interview with Greg and Tyler

JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)?
Greg: What i had on when i was arrested: (socks, shoes, pants, underwear, shirt), i was not allowed to keep any of it. The guards too it all except my underwear. They took my socks because they was black!
Tyler: they do not allow you to bring in clothes all you can do it order clothing from the commissary store

JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you.
Greg: I was issued a one piece blue jumpsuit. It was too long for me so i always had it baggy and annoying the whole time. You have to wear it for 3 days then they give you a new one for another 3 days. Still same underwear.
Tyler: they gave a black and white stripe uniform. it was a one piece suit. you could order shorts and t shirt off store but could not wear them during count times

JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned?
Greg: I don't think so. A guy in there who weighed over 400lbs had to have a special jumpsuit. But you could not choose anything yourself.
Tyler: Yea the nicer jumpsuits that had all the buttons on it or the towels with no holes in it

JM: Was the clothing different between men and women?
Greg: No the jumpsuits were the same except the colors.
Tyler: no the clothing was not different

Advice from ex-inmates of the Lowndes County Jail

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