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Interview with Christian and Claire

JM: How long was your sentencing for?
Christian: 1 year in County Jail.
Claire: I was sentenced to 5yrs in prison for the first offence and I was sentenced to a year county time to be served in St. Louis County Jail the second time and I completed both sentences.

JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead?
Christian: Yes. It was boring because there wasn't anyone in there with me. I was in there overnight.
Claire: yes, after you are sentenced, you are sent back to the holding sell with the rest of the women waiting to either go into the court room or waiting to be transported back upstairs to the cells after being sentenced.

Read about getting along with inmates in the St Louis County Jail

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