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Jail Layout

Interview with Luke

JM: How many different blocks were there?
Luke: 3 or 4 I believe

JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they?
Luke: A block,B block, C block, D block and there was another for high profile cases and sex offenders

JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks?
Luke: I mainly saw drug and alcohol offenders but I know some of the other blocks held child molesters and high profile cases. Another block also had work release and jail trustees.

JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks?
Luke: I think the nicest parts about the blocks I was in were the people. The people is what makes the difference. Some are in their and that is where they want to be. It's a game to them and if they can get a free meal and bed then they will keep commiting crimes. Others want to do their time and move on with life.Some of my closest friends or the people I learned the most from I met in jail and some I still stay in contact with. The worst part I would say is the cleanliness and food of the jail.I really can't complain about it cause it could be worse. Some of the jailers get on these power kicks but if you keep a smile on your face it helps.

Read about telephone access in the Morgan County Jail

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