JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Elise: It was easy for me to get along with people. Of course there are the
little "clicks" that they have. But generally everyone was pretty nice. Jack: I didn't think it was very difficult to get along
with the other inmates. Most people just watched
TV most of the day or played cards or slept. No
one got in fights or anything while I was there. Justin: YES, Racial tension is UNREAL. The Repeat inmates
try and do intimidate the smaller weaker ones.
Personally i did not have too much trouble but I
have been in prision 2 times for a total of 14 years
so i know the INMATE code of conduct and respect Sean: it really testyour limits with other
feels theres no seperation from descent folks
and the worst of the worst...wether it be
pshyciatric problems, or cold killers....if your
a felon...your a felon...thats it
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Elise: none. you just have to observe and know who is approachable and
who isn't. You just kinda know Jack: I didn't really have to do anything to avoid any
problems or fights. Almost all people wanted to do
was find a good way to pass the time until they
were scheduled to be released. I spent a lot of
time just watching TV and sleeping. Most of the
other inmates did the same thing. Justin: Stay to your self, dont disrespect others and avoid
the trouble makers but carry your self in a way that
demands respect your self. the BULLIES will usual
leave u alone if they know u will stand u for your
self. But the main issue in Jail or prison is
RESPECT Sean: well, thats a very tough one...its almost
impossible to avoid fights if your there long
enough..racial issues constantly brew
up....people are constantly testing you and in
your feels alot more like what you
would imagine prison being wouldnt
think that would bea county feel very
helpless, gaurds dont listen when you try to
announce trouble...
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Elise: No. It was an open dorm Jack: Tuscaloosa County Jail has open dorms on the side
of the jail that's for misdemeanors. Because of
this, I did not have a cellmate but I did have a
bunk mate. I didn't get to choose him, I just got
the first open bunk I saw. Justin: NO you get whoever the gusrds want to assign to your
cell or dorm . They put as many as 5 inmates in a 2
man cells. and up to 50 inmates in a 24 man dorm Sean: absolutely not. i was in a 6 by 10 room with a
man who killed his wife, then chopped her in
peices and burnt her...theyre were also two
other men in the room.keep in mind these are
supposed to be two man cells