JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Tom: I was doing 4 years in Contra Costa and 3 years in
Sutter. I did a total of 24 months and 16 days. I
basically got 2 years off my sentence for good
behavior. If i was doing just county jail time I
would have only been allowed to get one third time
off my sentence instead of half time in the state
prison system. However state time overides county
time so I was getting half time credits in the
county jail. Barbara: Yes,I received a 50% good time credit towards my
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Tom: State prison allows you to get up to 2 days credit
for 1 day served depending on your number of
points and camp eligibility. If you are allowed
to serve time in fire camp you can do as little as
4 months on each year. Regular inmates as little
as 6 months on a year. You can do up to 85% of
each year depending on your crime or custody
status. County jail is basically 8 months on a
years sentence if you are trouble free and maybe
15 more days off that if you participate in the
education program. Barbara: In county jail you were given 50% off for good time
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Tom: There are 100s of rules in jail and if you break
any you are subject to losing good time credits.
The main things to avoid are fights drugs and
inmate manufactured alcohol "pruno". If you do as
the cops ask of you and refrain from involving
yourself in gangs and drugs it is really easy to
get out early. When you first arrive they give you
a book of the rules which are mostly common sense,
if you follow them you will have no problems. Barbara: You need to be good, not fight with inmates or
staff, obey officers and follow the rules.
About 40% of inmates lost good time bc of above