JM: How many different blocks were there? Tom: There is 9 seperate housing units in the main jail
in Martinez Barbara: There were about 8 blocks on 4 floors
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Tom: Yes there is A module "ADAM" B module "BAKER" C
module "CHARLES" D module "DAVID" E module
"EDWARD" F module "FRANK" M module "MARY" Q module
"QUEEN" and T module "TOM" Barbara: There were A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H wards
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Tom: A module houses Southern Mexican GANG members also
known as 13s or Surenos, whites and blacks. B
module houses Northern Mexican gang members aka
14s or Nortenos as well as whites and blacks from
South Richmond, CA. C module houses Northern
Mexican gang members, North Richmond blacks and
whites. D module is administrative segregation for
problem inmates and protective custody inmates. E
module is all Protective custody. mostly gang drop
outs and sex offenders and snitches. F module is
seperated in 2 parts half is protective custody
and half are inmates with medical problems. M
module is for inmates with major mental problems
as well as a few female inmates requiring mental
health treatment. The rest of this facility is all
males. Q module is intake and minor discipline
punishment. T module is the trustee module for
kitchen workers laundry and intake workers. Barbara: Different gangs were housed in different blocks,
psych and medical inmates were housed together
with people there on civil charges, ad seg
inmates were housed on different wards as was
general population
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Tom: T module the trustee module is the best. You get
to work out of your cell, get better food, less
time locked in your room. There is also a pool
table ping pong table a really nice as well as big
recreation yard with landscaping. The cops who
work this module are the coolest. This module has
the most privileges. All the other modules pretty
much are messed up. a b and c modules are all
violent with all the gang stuff. Q and D are 23
hour a day lockdown. F is a bunch of sick people.
E is for p.c. inmates. Unless you are on t mod or
a trustee in a regular module this jail is max
security with little to enjoy. Barbara: Most of the officers were nice to me (probably due
to the nature of my crime-I hid my children from
their abusive father)but you could tell some of
the officers hated working n the jail and took it
out on inmates
Jail was old, dirty, no sunlight or yard to go to