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Jail Layout

Interview with Scott, Carrie, John and Sophie

JM: How many different blocks were there?
Scott: there are three different jails so there are alot of blocks.
Carrie: Lerdo has pods labeled A thru F. The only women's pod was B. And each pod is broken down into 6 sections. B1, B2, B3 and so forth. That was pre-trial. Once your sentenced, depending if it was a violent or non-violent crime you get sent to the farm which is minimum security.
John: I cant remember but I know the federal detention portion there was 4 pods like 1a 2a 3a I was in 3a cell 25
Sophie: do not know for sure... downtown had 5 or 6 for females, pre-trial had 6 pods of 16 cells for females

JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they?
Scott: a pod b pod a deck b deck barracks 1 barracks 2
Carrie: Not really names, just the pods for pre-trial, and the farm for minimum security
John: 1a 2a 3a I really dont remember I just remember 3a 25
Sophie: downtown I was in 4C (I think), don't know the names of others pre-trial I was in pod B 2 and pod B 4

JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks?
Scott: it all depends on your crime a gang stauts on where your going to housed.
Carrie: B1 was for inmate laborers, B2 and B3 was general population, B4 was for rejects if you will.. meaning inmate laborers that got fired, or people that had keep aways. B5 was the psychiatric inmates, and B6 was solitary confinement or protective custody
John: I was told not to ask why people were there becuase they might get mad and I could get beat up or killed from the people I befriended I found out the guys in my block were there for computer hacking, fraud,bank robbery kidnapping, drug dealers drug mules sex trafficing crimes immigration violations
Sophie: downtown - everyone that came through pre-trial - everyone at first, then after a night or two only the ones that had higher bail limits (others were transferred to "the farm"... minimum security)

JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks?
Scott: all are the same just different types of people;
Carrie: The nicest part was some of the friends I made. I don't have any sisters and had never experienced that type of female bonding before. The worst is the lack of sunshine and fresh air, not being able to see outside, so very depressing. The food is terrible. Jail is an awful experience.
John: every one was pretty cool with me once I made them laugh. I was invited to join games like poker board games and translate for spanish speaking inmated by both guards and other inmates. the food was terrible and all the books they had were about crime. one guy gave me trouble but I got out of it and he was removed from the pod by request of other inmates
Sophie: had more "freedom" at pre-trial to walk around the "day room" and watch tv, but had several hours a day locked in cell with just cellmate to talk/sleep/read/ play cards... it was very noisy especially when you were trying to sleep and when I was in the pod next to the solitary confinement

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