JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Ron: no way!! you might hear how the state is going
to release inmates becuase of overcrowding or
based on good behavior or non violent offenders
there just are,nt enough of those priviledged
inmates around everyone has a violent offender
history of some sort. work release & work
furlough & work in lew, are the only earlly
release type programs that i know of.. Tiffany: I was arrested on a Friday morning. They did
release a few people over the weekend, but they
held me till court on Monday. Hugh: Yes, I got five days taken off for not getting in
to any trouble. Stevan: No they don't have that shit in county jail .
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Ron: they call it good time work time credits & they
base it on your max sentence time that you have
to it,s called half time. it,s really
givin to all elligible based on the type of job
you,ll get or schooling you,ll enter upon
housing at your final instution.they say thirty
five percent for fire camp those campers really
work for it though. i,ve done it before & loved
it,but i only got half time for it & that didn,t
start until I got to my recieving
institution. Hugh: Officially, five days, but I've seen people go
home a lot sooner. Stevan: none I'm not sur there is such a thing
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Ron: based on how many times you,ve been
incarcerated,now a days will detirmine how you
get placed housed & the types of jobs &
schooling available to you either thru the jail
or your homeboy connections but don,t get caught
up in the wrong spot were all the high power
folks hang out , or by yourself in enemy
neighborhoods,unless you just don,t care watch
how you LOOK at some one & what you say as well
& also don,t tell alot of lies, Hugh: You just have to respect the guards, do what
you're told, and stay out of fights with other
inmates. Gambling and destruction of property are
other factors. I seen a guy get time added to his
sentence for breaking rules and as I said, I had
time taken off.
Question is worded oddly. Stevan: I'm not sure what your asking about . I never seen that
happen to anyone. It is a strange question to be asking
peolpe man