JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Tyrone: I was enrolled in the Prop 36 program for the
state as a diversion from prison for a drug
possession charge. I was on my final day of the
18 month program when I used drugs. I was sent
to my probation officer's office by the drug
treatment program to report to her.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Tyrone: When I reported to my probation officer's
office, I was sternly counseled about my failure
of the Prop 36 program, threatened to be shipped
to prison to do the suspended sentence
associated with my case and I was taken into
custody right there on the spot. I was given no
calculation as regards the time I would be
staying in jail. She drove me, handcuffed,
directly to the LCDF then and there.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Tyrone: Obviously, I knew the judge in my case very
well, having met with him on a monthly basis
over the 18 months of the Prop 36 program. I
remember the somber attitude of the people in
whose care I was in, as well as the
determination of the DA to send me to state
prison for 5+ years. I was scared and had no
hired representation. ( I was represented by a
court-appointed attorney)
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Tyrone: I was originally charged with transportation of
a controlled substance (methamphetamine),
illegal possession of syringes without a
prescription, and possession of a controlled
substance (11377HS).