JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? John: A TV set , some books - Basically , the books were
old thriller/sci-fi/cop paperbacks someone had
donated , or Bibles/other Christian material .
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. John: The channel selection on the TV set was decided by
the guards outside in the conrol , evidently for
all blocks in that wing (wih the women's wings
receiving a slighly different mix , with no
sports-oriented channels apparently and a "
playing records with basic
info/pictures/advertisments on the screen "
channel called Music Choice substuted for the
sports channels which males received . I was being
held in an emptied-out one of the female wings
with some other cons one day (all " well-behaved "
ones) that they were painting/cleaning our block
and saw that , as well as seeing a paperwork that
confirmed my suspicions that the block had a set
scheule for what TV channels to turn to at what
times on what (daily/weekend) days pretty much
always the same schedule .
Generally , in other words , the guards decided
what was on TV which was probably a good idea ,
avoiding conflict - and just let Daddy take care
of you anyway , your'e in jail , dude ! You might
as well " enjoy " it...
Occasionally someone would get on the intercom
to the guards outside and ask for a certain
program/station , I don't think this tended to
work anyhow .
We had a standard cable-type mix of stations
including the " Big 3 " broadcast network
stations .
I was ther the day th Boston Marathon bombings
happened at about 3:00 P.M. California time the
guards switched the TV to the emergency news of
what had happened , given the fact tha it had
happened I'm glad that they did , I would have
felt horrible o have found out later that I had
missed the happening of it .
I remember seeing the NBC?? evening news the
night of the OK tornados as well .
The FX " Murdoch's answe to TNT " cable channel
, recen-ish movies , was a favorte .
The old paperbacks I mentioned were , basically
, all the reading there was very occasionally a
leftover/discarded newspaper would reach us and it
was studied/treated like gold !
Looking up county jail rules I get the
impression that CJs tend to want to forbid the
local newspapers even as they allow other things .
One Christian giveaway , Our Daily Bread , showed
up at least once too .
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? John: Since I could only get the same three meals as
anyone , really , as I never had money for
commissary .
You know , I think the relative niceness - in
THIS , non-violent/" mild " wing - might be
creditable in part to the Santa Cruz " surfer
dude/old hippie " thing , and being fairly
leftie , even among those who go into law
enforcement ~ I did have a " confinement " mild
stomach ache every day I was there ,
perpetually , really .A lesser neck/shoulders
one , too .
Someone else said he was likewise , I guess
that's a bodily reaction .
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? John: Never ever outside , barring going to your court
cases in which case you never technically went "
outside " you got taken , chained , to the va in
the garage and got in which drove out of the
garage the about 1 block over to the courthouse .
Seeing what green looked like through that
window was ALL I saw for three weeks !
You could run-walk around/exercise in the
enclosed yeard .
I did , as I said , do push-ups/sit-ups , by the
end 20 a day , myself , maybe some other vague "
keep in tune/throw yourself around a little "
moves , some others tried " deeper " exercises but
there wasn't exercise equipment they'd try to
improvise with repurposed old books .
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? John: I don't think so though maybe I remember once a
Catholic priest being mentioned as coming but
maybe I'm being too specific/OCSD here since there
was a weekly " church class " offered by two
elderly Catholic volunteers (More generall
Christian than specifically Catholic and I was
defining " church services " as " something
offered by a , specifically , minister/priest " .
I don't know about any others . I went a couple of
times I wanted to go more but I guess a slept
through/didn't hear the notification those other
times .